At Post Consumer Brands™, we take pride in living out our “Do Right” value year-round, and the holiday season is no exception. Across the entire organization, employees actively supported those in need to ensure the season was special for everyone. Here’s a few of the heartwarming activities that took place across Post™ manufacturing plants and corporate offices during the month of December:
Angel Tree Program: Asheboro Plant

Post™ employees supported the Randolph County Crisis Center by providing holiday gifts to families affected by domestic violence. Employees raised nearly $4,000.
Santa’s Village: Battle Creek Plant

Santa’s Village is a long-standing Post™ tradition where employees volunteer to create a festive environment for the community. Additionally, unwrapped gifts were donated to the local Salvation Army Angel Tree program.
Village of Hope Sponsorship: Cobourg Plant
Post™ sponsored two families, providing groceries, a holiday meal, a tree, and gifts. Employees also coordinated donations to local food programs and radio drives.

Employees at our Northfield Plant and our Lakeville corporate headquarters joined forces to assemble 54 tie-blankets for children in low-income households––supporting the Northfield Operation Joy program. In total, employees volunteered nearly 108 hours creating these blankets.
Additionally, our Northfield plant purchased over $2,200 of holiday gifts for residents of local shelters supporting women and children, thanks to generous donations by employees. Gifts, holiday cards, and free cereal were provided.
These initiatives highlight the dedication and generosity of our employees, making a positive impact in our communities.
Our employees’ commitment to “Do Right” goes far beyond the holiday season. Learn about our local partnerships and volunteering initiatives that serve our local communities.